Thursday 12 January 2012

Censorship Research Assignment

Activity Three; BBFC Research
Q1. What certificate did the BBFC award the film? 18
Q2. What were the main concerns that censors initially had? The strong images of sexually activity were far too graphic to be shown at a 15 rating.
Q3. Did the film break any existing legal acts? If so, which? The film surprisingly didn't break any legal acts despite it being so graphic.
Q4. How did they remedy/fix any concerns the BBFC had prior to release? There were none, except for them being unsure to leave it at an 18 rating.
Q5. Was the film censored differently for the video/DVD? No.
Q6. Were there any complaints made about the film from the audience? Some people accused BBFC of not censoring it properly and asked for it to be publicly banned.

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