Thursday 1 December 2011

Opening Titles Analysis

Dawn of the Dead
We see clips of people, covered in blood and obviously possessed from the very beginning of the opening titles, with the Director and name of the film etc written in blood red, bursting out to us as they disappear off screen; we also hear people screaming and voiceovers discussing whether it is a virus which we later find out is at a news conference. We then go on to  see distorted TV's broadcasting the conference with clips of cells mutating and more possessed people. From these opening titles we are instantly drawn into wanting to find out what it is that they are so concerned about, leading us to carry on watching the film. From the blood written titles we are aware that there may be a lot more to come.

The high pitched creepy music of the opening titles for Halloween instantly puts us on edge, although the titles aren't written in a particularly scary font, the simplicity of the beginning still creates tension. As the flickering dim glow of the creepy pumpkin becomes brighter and the music louder the tension grows. As the titles go on the camera slowly zooms in to the eye carved into the pumpkin, still flickering dimly, all the time building the tension more and more. With halloween being a night a lot of people are naturally scared of, and the creepy smile carved into the pumpkin, with the music slowly building throughout there is  a lot of tension built even before the film has begun.

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